Inkstų ir šlapimo pūslės ligos; Reumatas; Pleiskanos; Podagra; Nemiga; Uždegimo slopinamasis poveikis; Skausmo malšinimas; Antibakterinis poveikis; Stiprina plaukus; Raminamasis Egzema; Reumatas; Reumatoidinis artritas; Lūpų pūslelinė; Nemiga; Menstruacijų skausmai; Žarnyno veiklos gerinimas; Dirglumas. Pykinimas, niežėjimas ir deginimas yra šalutinis poveikis. Erdine Turkey R. Oct 13, capsules, drugs, joints, terafleks. Slopina jūsų apetitą. Žymos kapsulės medicina sąnariai terafleks.

The answer explanations offer some insight into why the correct answer is better than the other choices.

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The supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor are the four muscles of the rotator cuff. Whereas the teres minor externally rotates the humerus, the teres major, which is not part of the rotator cuff, internally rotates the humerus.

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Anticitrullinate cyclic peptide anti-CCP antibodies are specific and sensitive to rheumatoid arthritis. The erthryocyte sedimentation rate ESR can be elevated in many conditions, including infection and inflammation. The rheumatoid factor is positive only 50 percent of the time in someone with rheumatoid arthritis.

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The antinuclear antibody ANA test can be positive in many autoimmune conditions, including systemic lupus erythematosus SLE. Anti-RNP antiribonucleoprotein is specific for mixed connective tissue disease. The clinical presentation marks this condition as rheumatoid arthritis.

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Osteoarthritis causes more joint destruction, and the classic radiograph appearance for rheumatoid arthritis is joint space narrowing and erosive arthritis. Colchicine can cause myopathy, diarrhea, and leukopenia. Its dose needs to be adjusted in the setting of kidney disease.

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